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Bell / Shujun

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Cha Eng

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Template and skins : NurIzzati
Background and Photo : We♥it

the artist's itch
Sunday, August 19, 2012 | 4:13 AM | 0 hearts♥
Sometimes, in the middle of the night as I sit down and stare at my computer, I get this very very annoying itch to just draw something. ANYTHING. Just something.

Many times, I struggle to ignore it because I didn't setup my tablet in front of my table and it's a hassle. I have 2 tablets, an old bamboo and a intuos 4 bought last year. However my intuos 4 is the only one I use simply because it is much more sensitive and I tend to draw better on it as it magically makes my mood better as compared to the bamboo. The only catch is that I have to bring it to school as well, so it's really troublesome to switch here and there. I think I might just put my bamboo at my desk permanently and keep the intuos 4 for school use.

Anyway... digressing. So I finally couldn't take it tonight and dragged out my intuos 4. Decided to finish my friend's portrait that I had promised to do since... last month? I was 70% completed at last save.. so I thought I might as well finish it up and cure the itch at the same time. My god it felt so much better when I completed it.

So... one task down! :) You know how it is when you get those mini tasks that you set yourself to do, but never seem to get it done? Like wanting to finish watching a certain anime series, engage in a hobby, exercise, that kind of stuff. This is one of the moments where you can finally get it out of the back of your mind. Feels great to finish them. Now if only I could finish another 3 more drawings that I'm halfway through.... =.=|||

Actually, I'm still having that itchy feeling to draw again but my energy won't keep up =( 4am already! I'd better go rest...

Saturday, August 04, 2012 | 9:30 PM | 0 hearts♥
While walking around the shopping mall after dinner, I came across a gaming shop having a closing down sale.

Immediately my eyes sparkled and I went in, hoping to find something nice.

So I ransacked the only place worth ransacking, the games corner and I actually found FF's four heroes of light DS cartridge!!!!! I couldn't believe my eyes. It was going for 49 bucks, but there was a 30% discount stuck to the box so I didn't know if it was before or after. Either way, it should be slightly cheaper than the usual price I imagine.

Then I remembered I downloaded the pirated one (and almost finished it) and regretfully walked away. I'm an avid fan of square games, and honestly, I would not have minded to spend the money just to buy that last cartridge published by my favourite developer. But I didn't know why I told myself to not buy it when I had already gotten it (through piracy). Maybe I felt bad if I said I wanted it because I knew I didn't bring my purse and my dad would have paid for it with his money (and I hate owing people).

It was like walking away from a gem that only I could see sparkling among the crowd of aunties and uncles.

Feels a little... sad.

the thing with technology
Monday, May 07, 2012 | 11:38 AM | 0 hearts♥
Got a new iPhone yesterday and have been tinkering with it since I woke up. Of course new gadgets fascinate me, but the novelty is starting to wear off. There goes 500 bucks... for 1 day's worth of fascination. Haha.

Finally got the stupid app and can contact people (easily). It seems silly that my old BB didn't have this functionality because I didn't sign up for the BB plan and couldn't download the app. Worse still was that the service provider didn't even allow me to upgrade.

Hmm... guess that's all. Siri is quite useless, it couldn't register my voice very well. Maybe I should have just gotten the normal version. Meh.

Monday, April 30, 2012 | 2:49 AM | 0 hearts♥
Took some random quiz today about personality. Turns out I was an "INFP".

Key points:
- I'm an introvert. <- this is so true. I could vouch for it from n=1 to infinity. That's why I always need "me-time" after a series of outings/events, and quite frequently actually...

Typically unconventional, Healers often develop an offbeat personal style and enjoy expressing themselves with creative pursuits like writing or art. They value originality and want to be authentic and individual in what they do. Following tradition holds little appeal for the INFP, who would prefer to invent something that feels unique to them.

(very me, especially towards designing. I hate overused cliches(unless highly appropriate) or designs, or even themes so I tend to pick assignments or ideas that less people are doing)

INFPs are usually flexible and accommodating, and can often see many points of view. They usually try to support other people but will react strongly if they feel their values are being violated. They especially hate being steamrolled, and want an open, supportive exchange of ideas.

(hahaha steamrolled.. another bullseye anyway. I do have core values that I hold strongly in my heart and there's only so much I can compromise before I start to feel uncomfortable)
INFPs are sensitive, caring, and compassionate, and are deeply concerned with the personal growth of themselves and others. However, they also tend to be independent, soft-spoken, and reserved, and can sometimes seem aloof, especially to new acquaintances. They prefer to seek depth in relationships where they feel a real connection.

(yes i tend to be more independent. somehow it just turned out like that automatically, especially when i entered uni and realised i had to be responsible for my future. and i do come across as reserved because i don't really find it comfortable to talk to strangers. it takes me quite a while to warm up to them before i will actually speak out my thoughts..)

- Close and harmonious relationships are important to INFPs, although they also need a lot of independent time to think and reflect. They often want plenty of freedom to express themselves and pursue greater self-awareness. They value a partner who is committed and loving, yet provides them with the support they need to independently explore the mysteries of life.

(i think it sort of reflects me as well. I do need some "me-time" often, but I'm not sure if it's counted as "plenty". actually.. i think to actually find a partner who can suit me is very hard, i think.. but that's a long story. if i manage to find someone someday, i'll count my lucky stars that i finally met him :) )

anyway thought it was quite interesting read, especially when I was slacking a bit... haha... if anyone is interested they can click the link to try: 

Monday, April 23, 2012 | 9:36 PM | 0 hearts♥
I will never be satisfied with any work that I've made. Usually it goes: work on it for X hours, finally completes and think it's perfect. Goes to sleep, wake up. "Hmm... it's lacking/something's not enough." And then I go about doodling on it and the whole thing repeats itself.

When I see other people's work it's a different story. I would go, "Woah this is perfect, I would never change it". But when it comes to my work it's different. Perhaps many others out there feel the same way like me?

Caught up with some uni friends today. Learnt some shocking news as usual. (everytime I go back there's always something shocking to know) It feels great to keep in touch, felt like the old times in uni. Haha.

Getting into the mood
Friday, April 20, 2012 | 1:53 AM | 0 hearts♥
The period of nausea, headaches, late nights and crashing is starting.. the horror -_- June come fast please.

Storyboarding is not that easy, takes a lot of practice ._. however I quite like exploring perspective and learning even though I'm not keen to take it up seriously in future. It's very good for future drawings.

I guess most already know that I'm doing 3d modelling instead of concept art. TBH I took it partially out of the need to secure a job, and half out of doing something I'm interested in. Well if I really had to say what had a better chance it would be VFX due to the enormous post production manpower needed, but I'll think about it later... 3D modelling has some aspects to that too. Have to really decide soon.

Concept art is not easy to get a job with. Do the math and you'll see. Due to the nature of being an artist, you will probably keep going until your hair starts to grey. So count the fact that there's only so many projects at one time on earth, and that artists (obviously) don't quit early, demand is really low unless you are one of the top few. To know how to draw is easy. To know how to draw freaking well and be one of the top few, now that is hard. The bar is really raised for this aspect. Personally, I have to be realistic - if I tried, I might get there one day. But to get a job right out of graduation is not easy with it.

Thankfully, I'm quite interested in modelling having DIY-ed before I entered school. So that's another option that I can and am working towards. I will still draw, no doubt I love to, but I guess it can take a backseat for now. Anyway who cares about what I graduate with. If either portfolio makes the cut, then I'll know where I'll be.

Hmm, I'm getting so indecisive suddenly when I always thought I decided...

Thursday, April 19, 2012 | 12:17 AM | 0 hearts♥
Just realised that I get sunburnt really easily. Like, seriously really easily. Sigh all the effort in trying to stay indoors to get rid of my tan from holiday gone to waste from this afternoon's life drawing... T.T next time, I'm gonna bring shit tons of stuff. Gotta get a sunblock lotion and a cap before next wednesday.

Now my skin's feeling a little painful, the tip of my nose particularly. =(

That aside, I've been getting my working drive up, starting to chiong and put more time into my assignments. Just the perfect time as everything is due in early June for presentation. I hope I will be able to finish everything not just on time but in good quality as well >< Have to really slog hard.

Sis told me to get a bf as I'm not young anymore and may become a spinster in future. Can't believe I'm actually at this stage now.... gawd... =.=

Clean room
Saturday, April 07, 2012 | 12:08 AM | 0 hearts♥
My room is so neat!!!!! I feel at peace when I look at my room now lol. Usually it was like in a state of turmoil and you never knew when a volcanic eruption would occur somewhere on the floor. *cue tons of paper strewn everywhere, bags, books etc*

I ACTUALLY felt proud of myself, not just because I finally cleaned it up like I said I would, but I did it before midnight which was bedtime. Woke up at 11, nua-ed a bit, played some WoW till like 2pm+ and started to pack stuff on table. That was when I started to stream some live concert on youtube and was half staring at the screen and cleaning whatever was in my hand. In other words, efficiency cut by half.

So it was after dinner and at 9+pm I started to panic cuz I knew I would get tired by 12 and was frantically hauling all the junk that I didn't want out of my room, putting the papers together and shelving them neatly at a corner. Did a little cleaning but it wasn't for the whole room - just the surfaces that I come into contact often. Looking around my room now I can't help but shed a tiny tear of appreciation. Hahahahahha.

Tomorrow's gonna be a long day with project work. I'm gonna miss days like this when I can just chuck aside work... oh well.. hopefully another holiday will come soon.

Friday, April 06, 2012 | 1:15 AM | 0 hearts♥
It's 1.15am and I'm awake because HURRAY!!! Tomorrow's Good Friday!!! i.e. I can do all the shit I want and not have to prepare for lessons tmr!!! =D But very very tired because nowadays I sleep by 12 automatically. Eyelids quite heavy now..

Ok went to get a new monitor. After spending 1 day using my laptop and trying to do normal surfing I just realised it sucked so bad and I couldn't take it. So my parents took me to the nearby tech store and I just picked one on the spot. Was deciding between a 20" and 23" and my parents were going, might as well get the big one since it's only a 40 bucks difference.

So I bought the 23", brought it back home, assembled and set it up. It turned out to be too big for my comfort -_-. As I'm typing this, the textbox is barely taking up half of the screen. It is wonderful to use it to watch movies, but that's all it really is good for because you get to sit a distance away to watch. But for doing work or just normal surfing it gets very overwhelming as I have to sit nearer and I start to get headaches easily. Hopefully I can get accustomed to it.. Gaming wise it's still okay.

Bought a printer too. It's just a normal 3 in 1 type for me to scan my stuff for convenience instead of having to use the lousy one in the living room (and adds in a stupid line when I scan). Can use it to scan my drawings from paper next time. :D

Gonna take the chance and pack up my room after tonight's sleep. Feels really good to be able to catch up on stuff that you really want to do but never had the time to properly get down it...

Wednesday, April 04, 2012 | 11:59 PM | 0 hearts♥
These days I get tired really easily. In school, I'm quite awake (cuz I try to sleep at 12 now). When I get home and do stuff to unwind, I get more and more tired to the point where I have no energy to do homework, much less have the motivation. And then I end up sleeping even earlier to make up for the deficiency (I presume) = didn't touch the homework at all. Urgh... I guess I got to pile up the work on the weekends..

Anyway our lecturer looked through the video we edited so far and told us to change it from a horror film to a comedy-horror film. -_-||| It's damn sian. Have to redo and add in many things to change it and we already have no time. And honestly, there are some parts that I don't really find it very funny. Things like the person screaming at the end was kind of like a placeholder cuz I didn't like it and intended to change, but when they heard they thought it was intended and said we should make it into a comedy film instead. Zzz. 2nd thing is comedy horror films are totally not my cup of tea. Nice to watch, but I never want to do one because it's just not my style.

Can you imagine me sitting beside the lecturer in front of everyone, him giving me tons of ideas that I thought were damn cheesy to make people laugh while I was still trying to grapple with the fact that the video that we worked on so long was bad because of failed audio. And I have to deal with this entirely new shit of making it funny (and everyone was so enthu about it). Omg it's like a nightmare come true.

End of the day, since he says we should change it to save the project so be it, but I hated the fact that everyone thought I was devastated and kept telling me to "don't be upset". That was because the attitude was shown to me till it went to the point of annoyance. Not meaning to be offensive, I know they meant well, but I hate people harping on things like these. It was as if I would break down and cry and they were trying to console me - that kind of attitude. I seriously hate that. I may be sad inside, may complain about having to redo stuff, but I'm not THAT sensitive. Assignments are assignments. If they don't work they won't, and I will change it if need be it's that simple. It may be stressful, may make you disappointed to know your work wasn't accepted but that's life, so take it into your stride, learn and move on.

But back to the video. We had to redo, and now the project's with the producer and she's trying to edit to make it funny. Can't wait to see what she comes up with. Haha. I wish she would just edit the video to perfection in one shot so we can dump this project and not touch it ever again seriously.

And in other news, nothing much. Work piling on me like falling rain. Desktop monitor went dead, got to get a new one soon if not I can't do any work cuz all the programs are on my desktop. Hectic...